Glencore has said the Las Bambas sale will allow it to pay down debt, hunt for other possible investments or return cash to shareholders. 嘉能可表示,出售拉斯邦巴斯铜矿会帮助其偿还债务,物色其他可能的投资机会或者向股东返还现金。
Repurchase agreement ( also known as a repo or Sale and Repurchase Agreement) allows a borrower to use a financial security as collateral for a cash loan at a fixed rate of interest. 回购协议是指以有价证券作抵押的短期资金融通,在形式上表现为附有条件的证券买卖。
Once the banking system began to look frail, there was a boom in the sale of safes for people to keep their cash at home. 曾经当银行系统显现萎靡之态时,由于人们为了把现金放在家,保险柜的销量一度暴涨。